“Dave Goddess Group are torchbearers for the three-chords-and-the-truth gold ring…building a following one true believer at a time.”
-The Alternate Root
Dave Goddess is an artist that holds to a singular belief— that real music needs to express passion and truth. It doesn’t have to be lofty; it just has to be genuine.
“Making music is a voluntary act. Nobody’s put a gun to my head and said ‘write that song or else.’ I don’t even know why I do it other than to please myself, and that’s pretty hard to do. Hopefully an audience can connect with the things that matter to me and hear something that matters to them. And I never make musical choices in search of popularity. That might be a bad career move, but I don’t care.”
Those sensibilities inform Goddess’ upcoming album, Back in Business. Written during lockdown in his native New York City, he describes it as songs about “rebirth, religion, time, freedom, and gratitude with a healthy dose a fun thrown in.”